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Oktoberfest fun!

Official logo for 2017

The official logo for Oktoberfest 2017 – steins, tshirts, post cards, magnets.

Oktoberfest sign

If you have any doubt about where to go, these signs are posted in the U-bahn and S-bahn and along the streets. Follow the signs to Oktoberfest.

Oktoberfest is not just a time to have a few beers and some food.  Oktoberfest is also a big fair – sort of like the Iowa State Fair without the cows, pigs, and chickens.  The rides included ones that go upside down, up high and around in circles.  No one in our group tried any of them but the lines were long, including people who I’m sure were not really in any condition to spin or turn upside down.

Upside down rocking ride

This ride went upside down and rocked back and forth

Spinning and upside down ride

This ride spun in circles and each car went in circles, too.

Oktoberfest Midway

Midway at night at Oktoberfest

Oktoberfest has a post office set up for the event with its own cancellation stamp along with ATM machines since all purchases in the tents are cash only.

Oktoberfest post office

Oktoberfest has its own PO set up at the entrance.

We made a few other stops at Oktoberfest over the 4 days in Munich – Lowenbrau for lunch one day, Paulaner for beers in the evening, Hofbraugarden that only served weisse beer, and a brief stop in the Weinzelt tent.

Paulaner horses

Each of the breweries has their own team of horses. They were all out  in the morning.

smoked fish tent

One tent’s food is all about fish. These fish were cooked outside the tent.

Waitress Carrying beers

The waitresses were good carrying way more beers at one time than I could!

Chickens cooking

Lots of chickens needed to be roasted.

Lowenbrau Lion

One of my favorite tent entrances

Lowenbrau tent from balcony

This is Lowenbrau tent floor taken from the balcony

Saturday night crowd

The opening night crowd in a tent – more noise and people than one can imagine!